Uncovering Child Labor in Ghana: Mars Chocolates Faces Allegations Despite Promised Changes

A recent investigation by CBS News has exposed the grim reality of child labor in Ghana’s cocoa industry, with children as young as five working in the fields to produce cocoa for candy giant Mars, Inc. Despite the company’s commitment to eliminate child labor from its supply chain by 2025, the investigation revealed that some of the promised changes have not been implemented. 

Mars Chocolates

Mars, renowned for its popular chocolates like M&M’s and Snickers, had previously highlighted its efforts to rescue thousands of children from cocoa plantations and enroll them in schools. However, CBS discovered that some of these children were still actively involved in cocoa harvesting. 

An anonymous cocoa field supervisor from the Virginia-based chocolate-maker, who had been instrumental in creating the lists of rescued children, disclosed to CBS that much of the data used in compiling these lists was either manipulated or inaccurate. Shockingly, some names on the lists belonged to non-existent children, while others continued to work in the fields both before and after attending school. 

One distressing case involves 15-year-old Munira, who has spent two-thirds of her life working in cocoa fields. Despite being provided with a backpack of school supplies by field supervisors, there was no follow-up to ensure she actually attended school. Munira shared that her family lacked the financial means to send her and her brother to school. 

CBS also reported a harrowing incident where a child almost lost fingers while using a machete blade to open cocoa pods. U.S. human rights lawyer Terry Collingsworth, involved in a proposed class action against chocolate makers for consumer fraud, accused Mars of superficial rehabilitation efforts, stating that the company claims to rehabilitate children but fails to ensure lasting change. 

Ghana and neighboring Côte d’Ivoire jointly contribute nearly 60% of the world’s annual cocoa production. According to the U.S. Bureau of International Labor Affairs, an estimated 1.56 million children are engaged in child labor on cocoa farms in these two countries. 

In response to the CBS report, Mars issued a statement expressing unequivocal condemnation of child labor and reiterating its commitment to eradicating it from its supply chain. The company announced an urgent investigation into the allegations and pledged to take appropriate action against any supplier found not meeting their expectations outlined in the Supplier Code of Conduct. The shocking revelations now place Mars under increased scrutiny, highlighting the urgent need for effective measures to address child labor in the cocoa industry. 

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